Special Flags

Some flags have special meaning to the interpreter:

Flag Define name in template game Meaning (when set)
0 ego_on_water This indicates that ego's baseline (the bottom row of pixels) is completely on water (pixels with a priority of 3)
1 ego_hidden Ego is completely hidden by something else on screen
2 input_received Input has been recieved from the player
3 ego_touching_signal_line All or part of ego's basline (the bottom row of pixels) is touching a signal line (pixels with a priority of 2)
4 input_parsed The input recieved from the player has been parsed (the said command has returned true at some point)
5 new_room This is the the first cycle in a new room
6 game_restarted This is the first cycle since the game has been restarted
7 script_buffer_blocked Prevents the interpreter from writing to the script buffer
8 joystick_sensitivity_set Indicates that v15 specifies the joystick sensitivity
9 sound_on The sound is on
10 trace_enabled Trace mode is enabled
11 first_logic0_cycle This is the first time logic 0 has been executed
12 game_restored This is the first cycle since a game has been restored
13 inventory_select_enabled The player is allowed to select an inventory item in the inventory screen. When the item has been selected, v25 (selected_inventory_item) is set to the number of the item selected (or 255 if ESC is pressed).
14 menu_enabled The menu is enabled
15 windows_remain Windows created by print and similar commands remain on screen until the close.window command is used. If this flag is not set, the windows remain on screen until the user presses a key or for the time specified by v21 (window_close_time).

See also

Special Variables